Agnvet Rural Latest news
Animal Health
On Farm Technology

Keep the Spray…

Fennec Doubles Down…
Combination worm control has been widely accepted as a worm management tool for sheep producers for some time, but there has not been a combination product for lice control available – until now. Fennec, Australia’s first dual combination lice treatment,…
Worm Trax
Recent rainfall and warmer conditions means that worm burdens will be increasing. It is important that you monitor young cattle in particular for signs of worm infestation. Cattle that are low in condition as a result of drought and now…
Exclusion Fencing
Simon Nowlan and Robert Grimm both run cropping farms in Grenfell, located 55km west of Cowra. Both farmers ran a multitude of crops including canola, wheat and barley. They were having a lot of trouble with feral animals, especially kangaroos.…
Multimin Evolution Editorial
Did you know that the average daily gain (ADG) for Australian beef cattle increased 84% from 1981 to 20101? While the average dairy cow produced 27% more milk in 2019 compared to 20002. With such amazing production trends, we cannot assume that the technology of yesterday…
Philmac Float Valve…
Ideally, float valves should be matched to meet the water demand of the stock. Rather than considering the maximum flow of the valve, selection should be based on the pressure the float valve operates at the trough. Quite often this…